Monday, February 9, 2015

Bye Bye Birdie

-Bye bye birdie!-
I once stopped an annoying bird upon my window pane
His loud obnoxious chirping was driving me insane.
His loud response was open the window oh would you please
Now I so very interested I answered what’s in this for me?
I need a drink of water and a rest would be pretty sweet
I promise if I get that I will no longer cheep
So I opened up the window and set him on my bed
I went and got his water and this is what I said
Here is your water get your drink and don’t you make a peep
my parents are still in bed and yes they are asleep
if they see you I swear I don’t know what they’d do
so lets keep this little brunch between just me and you
I opened up the window when he was done and through
He winked at me spread his wings and then away he flew
The moral of this story is he doesn’t need all of that
Yes next time there is an annoying bird just feed him to your cat.

-Madison Boettcher

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